Sea Cadet Corps
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U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Wolf Squadron Logo
Cedar Heights Middle School Address
Training Overview
Wolf Squadron Stated Drills are the heart and soul of our program because that is where we train. We have a ton of activities and training opportunities available to Wolf Squadron cadets, but not all training is the same.

Types of training includes recruit orientation, basic training, advancement training, general military training, swim and physical fitness, and intermediate and advanced training. Let's divide this up to make a little more sense.

Level 1: General Military Training Requirements (Sea Cadets Boot Camp)

Sea Cadets national Headquarters requires all cadets to go through regionally provided orientation and basic training programs which consists of Navy League Orientation (NLO) for middle schoolers and Recruit Training (RT) or "Boot Camp" for cadets at the high school level. We are working to provide those at our facility, so check back here later for updates.

When cadets advance in rank and aspire to become petty officers, they have the option to attend the Petty Officer Leadership Academy, which is a week-long training cycle held at a regional facility.

Level 2: First Five (Wolf Squadron)

At Stated Drills cadets receive the lions share of their required or general military training (GMT) and physical fitness training. Training at drills includes safety and first aid training, health hygeine and physical fitness, marching, hygeine, interpersonal relations, science technology engineering and math projects (STEM), social skills, morals and proper conduct, career skills, military customs and traditions, advancement training, and other topics we can complete in a single afternoon. Other topics such as marksmanship and swim qualifications may require an entire day or weekend so we kick those over to our Saturday drills.

Our goal is to help develop positive habits, skills, and ways of thinking and acting that will promote a healthy and physically fit lifestyle. Our annual training plan is reviewed and modified it as needed.

All Wolf Squadron cadets must complete their "First Five" before they can earn their patches and start the advancement and training process -so the sooner these are accomplished, the better. The first five consists of a selection of core trainings from each of our five training categories or strands. Those five categories and individual courses are detailed on the Ropes button above, but they broadly consist of Academics, Physical Fitness, Seamanship, Fieldcraft, and Leadership topics. 

Level 3: Advancement Training (Making Rank)

When new cadets join, they hold the rank of E-1 Recruit. Sea Cadets and League Cadets must complete coursework available online through the Quarterdeck and Polaris Systems in order to advance or earn rank. Quarterdeck has a lot of very useful information for cadets to track everything including ribbons, coursework, and advancement.

All cadets should be registered in the Quarterdeck found by going to and then selecting "LOGIN". All Cadets MUST have a unique email address to register in the Quarterdeck. The Polaris Coursework system is accessed through the Quarterdeck portal. Please review these instructions how to begin your coursework.

Cadets need to attend basic training (NLO or RT) to be able to attend more advanced training and to advance in rank. Because many cadets join early in the year and are not able to go to RT until later, much of what is covered in Boot Camp is covered during weekly drills. If cadets are unable to attend boot camp right away, recruits can promote to E2-Temporary (AA-T) as long as they participate fully in drills and complete two of the following: E-1 coursework, E-2 coursework, and Recruit Training. But there is no substitute for the RT experience, and RT is still required for all Cadets.

Level 4: Intermediate Training (Wolf Squadron Ropes)

Once cadets complete their first five, they may want to do more, and we want them to have a lot of options. We ask them to choose a career field focus or Cadet Military Occupational Specialty (CMOS) and do research into military and civilian careers in their chosen field. While we cannot provide training on every potential career field, we have built up a number of training strands to help them develop and follow a plan of study. We offer related opportunities to help build a depth of knowledge and experience in their chosen field. Their CMOS choices also help uf find opportunities and options for them to follow their interests. This is still a work in progress, so check back here for updates. br />
They may not know what they want, even within their training strand. So we give a lot of lattitude. They may just want to try or experience a couple of different things, or they may want earn a "braid" for completing a training strand. We have about fifty different options for them to choose from so far. They may choose to earn the blue rope (shoulder braid) for completing all the requirements in the knowledge strand. Or maybe they are more into marksmanship, camping, and orienteering and want to earn the red rope for fieldcraft. 

MMany of these modules, activities and sessions require working at a deeper level, over a sustained activity, require extensive time, or are based on an immersive experience. This requires them to be completed outside our standard drill sessions. They have a lot of options and you can learn more by following the Ropes button above.

Level 5: Advanced Training (AT)

During summer and winter breaks from school, Cadets may choose to participate in advanced trainings that are offered by our region, nationwide and even overseas. These include: Field and Basic Medical training, Leadership, Field Operations, Aviation, Land Navigation, Master-at-arms, Marksmanship, Music, Seamanship, Sailing, Photojournalism, Culinary Arts, and even elementary SEAL training to name a few.

Select cadets may also be eligible for international exchange programs. And tor those interested in furthering their education, there are internships at Naval or the Coast Guard Academies available. The Naval Sea Cadet Corps also offers several college scholarships.

Cadets are not required to attend Advanced Training (AT) to participate in this program. However after completion of RT, cadets are required to attend one Advanced Training (AT) per year in order to be able to advance in Sea Cadets.

MMany local options also exist for cadet training, but more opportunity is available for those willing and able to travel. Travel is required for almost all regional and national training and the costs for food and travel are not covered by Wolf Squadron. Details are specified "Find Training" tab in Quarterdeck. Specific AT schedules and opportunities are posted in Quarterdeck in early Spring each year.

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