Sea Cadet Corps
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Sea Cadets logo Wolf Squadron
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Wolf Squadron Logo
Cedar Heights Middle School Address
Online Resources

It is important to remember that Wolf Squadron's web presence exists between and serves three different groups of people; Sea Cadets (the national organization), South Kitsap School District, and our cadets and their families themselves. Information relevant to those three entities likewise exists in three different domains.

Wolf Squadron Logo

This site is our public facing information page. It provides very general information about how to contact us, what we're about, and quick and readily available information about the Sea Cadets organization and a few explanations about what's unique to our squadron. Much of the public and non-personal information, training guides and official policies are readily available here as well as connection to our national site. Tied to this is our social media presence. We have a facebook page supported by an Instagram presence to showcase our command and build public awareness and potential support.

Quarterdeck Quarterdeck

All information related to individual cadets, official Sea Cadets training, and other specific administrative functions works through the Quarterdeck portal via login. Here you will find information on advancvement, training history, and other data unique to specific cadets. It seems like an unnecessary complication, but it really is better that such information is secure and only accessible to cadets and their families.

Google Classroom

Locally generated content such as drill schedules, our plan-of-the-day for drills, calendars, tutorials, assignments and other school or district resources reside in our Google Classroom. This makes communication and the dissemination of information much easier to manage.



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