Sea Cadet Corps
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Sea Cadets logo Wolf Squadron
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Wolf Squadron Logo
Cedar Heights Middle School Address
Other Meetings and Practices

This is the model for meetings and practices, actual meetings and practices will be detailed in the most recent Plan-of-the-day.
Mondays: TS Cedar STEM/TSA Training 1455-1630
     @ CHMS Science Room 304
Tuesdays: Wolf Squadron HQ Stated Weekly Drill 1415-1715
     @ Armory Lower Classroom
          (temporarily suspended, dates TBD)
  TS Cedar Leadership Training 1455-1600 CHMS
     @ CHMS Room 110
  TS Cedar Fitness Training 1455-1600 CHMS
     @ CHMS Weight Room
          (temporarily suspended, dates TBD)
  TS Cedar Platoon and Squad Leader Meeting 1600-1630
     @ CHMS Art Room 302
     (once per month/TBD)
TS Cedar Officers and Instructors Planning Meeting 1455-1515
     @ CHMS Room P3
  TS Cedar Color Guard and Drill Practice 1455-1600
     @ CHMS Weight Room
          (temporarily suspended, dates TBD)
Thursdays: TS Cedar Stated Weekly Drill 1455-1730
     @ CHMS Library
    (once per month/TBD)
All Hands Stated Monthly Drill
     @ SKHS Armory 0800-1500
         (temporarily suspended, dates TBD)

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