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The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is critical to the betterment of humanity. Included in this category are courses and activities intended to develop such understanding in our cadets along with experiences, activities, competitions and explorations into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as Career Exploration, Teamwork, and Leadership.
The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is critical to the betterment of humanity. Included in this category are courses and activities intended to develop such understanding in our cadets along with experiences, activities, competitions and explorations into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as Career Exploration, Teamwork, and Leadership.
Fieldcraft is the study and development of techniques and skills involved in living, traveling, or making military or scientific observations in the field and the methods used to do so. The term "fieldcraft" is used in a broad range of career fields including military, exploration, oil and gas discovery, wildlife management, food production and agriculture.
The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is critical to the betterment of humanity. Included in this category are courses and activities intended to develop such understanding in our cadets along with experiences, activities, competitions and explorations into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as Career Exploration, Teamwork, and Leadership.
The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is critical to the betterment of humanity. Included in this category are courses and activities intended to develop such understanding in our cadets along with experiences, activities, competitions and explorations into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as Career Exploration, Teamwork, and Leadership.